Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Vintage Handbags

Hey guys! So much thanks to her aunt, my friend C has this awesome collection of vintage designer handbags! Just wanted to share them with you!

The one on the left is Coach. I'm personally not a fan of the current coach collections, with the C's covering every inch of the bags, but I LOVE old coach leather. The old bags are made so well!
The bag on the right is Louis Vuitton.
Another Coach sling! C actually got this one at the salvation army. Good thrift stores are the best because they have so much inventory coming in and out that they sometimes miss important labels like... Coach! So you can get great quality products at low prices. One thing that I love about both this bag and the Coach one in the first picture is the button. You don't have to yank to get the bag open - the gold button is pulled toward you, and it opens! Like magic!

Ok, now brace yourselves *game show music*:



Duh-duh-duh-duh! Chanel! I am beyond in love with this bag. I love the long sling style, and the gold chain. The best part is the inside, because this bag is like a little fashionable box. You know how annoying it is when you have a bag with a little zipper and a big pouch, and you're just fishing for what you're looking for for hours? This bag solves everything, because it has a wide mouth for a smaller inside. It's the perfect size to fit a wallet, and any other necessities. C watch out, this might go missing...

So there you go! Bags like these come in all shapes and sizes, and the old ones have a certain level of charm and quality that I feel I don't come across as often in today's collections. If you find one in good condition that you love, give it a try! Bags can last a really long time if good care is taken, so find one that you love and make it a great accessory!

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